Sleeping Through the Storm

[This has been posted late. This was originally written last September 15.]

I am writing this as our country is being hit by a Category 5 hurricane. Although my place is not directly hit by the storm, I can already say that this typhoon is super strong as the wind gushes with a loud noise through the trees and roofs. The hurricane will directly hit the northern part of our country and it could cost destruction of nature, properties, injuries or even death. Authorities has already been preparing for this hurricane so I positively believe that casualties will be minimized or better yet eliminated.

As I went outside to check the situation, upon seeing how strong the wind is, it reminded me of a certain story in the bible. This is the story of Jesus sleeping through a storm. In Matthew 8:23-27 (can also be found on Mark 4:35-41), Jesus along with His disciples are crossing a lake when a storm/windstorm came. It was so furious that the waves swept over the boat. The disciples of Jesus were startled and panicked while Jesus was in a corner sleeping peacefully. Yes, you read that right! Jesus was just simply sleeping. His disciples then woke him up, in fear and is trembling. Jesus woke up and though He questioned His disciples’ faith, he still rebuked the winds and the waves and it became completely calm. The disciples were amazed and even asked who Jesus is for He is able to command the winds and the waves.

This story or rather history points out two types of attitude during a storm. And when I say storm, it’s not just the weather condition but also our life condition. I’m pretty sure you all have heard the term “storms of life”. It is when we start facing life challenges.

The first attitude that I want to point out here and the attitude that we should not have is the attitude of the disciples.

Verse 25 says that ‘The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”‘.

I actually find it great that His disciples went to Jesus to ask for help telling him to save them. That’s good because in life, we need Jesus so that we can be saved. Although the disciples were actually scared here. They are in fear and even declared and assumed that they are going to drown. They went to Jesus and bothered waking him up because they are scared that because of the strong wind and waves, the boat will sink and that they are going to drown and eventually die.

I call this kind of attitude lack of trust or uncertainty.

I coudn’t really blame the disciples for being scared because I might be scared as well If I were them but there is a difference when Jesus is with you.

I believe that although sleeping, Jesus knew that a storm is coming. He knows that a storm is passing yet he chose to sleep through it. I believe that the reason why this story is in the bible is for us to learn to be calm through the storm.

This is the second attitude and the right attitude that we should have during the storms in our life.

Many of us would pray to God to calm the storm when actually God wants us to be calm during the storm. He wants us to put our trust, our faith in Him so that He can move in us and through us.

There are situations in our life that our calmness, our composure, our identity will be tested. Like when someone tries to bully you.
Or when someone talks bad about you.
When you look at your bill and doesn’t know how you’re going to pay for it.
When somebody breaks your heart.
When you get sick.
It’s so easy to be moved by our emotions and be angry, be anxious, be depressed, be fearful. It’s so easy to let these emotions burst and start making decisions out of it which more often than not are reckless.
And we start doing stupid things which we regret later on.

I believe that God wants us to be calm in spite of whatever storm we have in our lives. I believe that God wants us to take a pause for a while, take a deep breath and start putting our faith in Him. In whatever situation, whatever challenges, whatever circumstances, whatever problems, let’s be calm and trust in Him. Let us not make our emotions be the source of our actions but God be the wisdom of our undertaking.

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