You Exist For A Reason

Many of us seeks purpose.

A cause.

An explanation.

A justification.

An answer to the question.

The reason for creation.

We have come up with questions such as,

What is the point?

What is the intention?

What is the aim?

What is the objective?

What is the goal?

What is the plan?

What is the ambition?

What is the aspiration?

What is the advantage?

What is the benefit?

What is the use?

What is the function?

What is the role?

What is the value?

What is the merit?

What is the worth?

What is the profit?
A lot of different questions, a lot of different answers but one thing is certain.

You exist for a reason.

God wouldn’t bother to spend His wisdom in creating a planet that will sustain your existence.

And though we fell short and sinned against God He still provided for our redemption.

Even though the cost is His Sons’s crucifixion.

God’s everlasting love covers us.

And I don’t think that God would spend that much if He does not value us.

You exist for a reason.

There is a reason for your existence.

A specific purpose.

In Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 God said that “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

God knew you.

He knows your name. He even knows the count of your hair and in your attention He despairs.

You exist for a reason.

You breath for a reason.

And the very oxygen that composes the air that you breath were created for the very same exact reason.

You exist for a reason.

There is a reason for your existence.

A purpose for your persistence.

You don’t just consume space, the space was made to be consumed by you.

You have a purpose.

You exist for a reason.

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