No To Murder


These are just some of the words that this world can throw at you.
People, experiences, past and present situations, all these things can start dictating and defining your life.
Making you think that your existence here on earth is not worth the fight.

Words like these can slowly contaminate your mind resulting into a mindset of unworthiness and a lifestyle of depression thus leading to that ultimate end called death.

And when I say death I am not over exaggerating but I’m stating a fact that some of us do not understand, some of us wouldn’t want to understand.

And I understand,

that sometimes we are just not aware,

aware of the reality that our words can kill,

your words can kill,

you can be a murderer.

I am not here to condemn rather I’m speaking to encourage.

Encourage everyone including myself to control our rage and defer from speaking words that can incur a vital damage.

Proverbs 18:21 says that,

“Death and Life are in the power of the tounge and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Everyday we have a choice.

A choice to speak life or speak death.

A choice to provide encouragement or to commit murder.

We don’t gain from speaking ill unto others but rather we eat its consequences.

And before you get even cruel you should remember the golden rule.

“Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.”

It’s pretty plain and simple but for some reason we kept on missing the point.

Again, I am not speaking to condemn rather I’m speaking to encourage.

Because if the purpose of this message is to throw a stone then I should be the one to get struck first.

My encouragement to everyone is that we start speaking more of encouragement and motivation rather insolence and discrimination.

Words kill,

words give life;

they’re either poison or fruit

you decide.

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